We invite you to pray with our community, worship God, give thanks for the gifts God has provided and strengthen your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Christ centered approach to learning encourages responsibility, accountability, respect, and above all compassion for one another. We endeavor to instill within the child and the community a lifelong love of learning rooted in Catholic values and the conviction to follow them.
Reflection of the Week:
February 16, 2025—Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today’s readings speak of an essential quality for the Christian steward — hope. This is especially fitting this year, as Pope Francis has designated 2025 as a Jubilee Year with the theme, “Pilgrims of Hope.”
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, “Hope is the theological virtue by which we desire the kingdom of heaven and eternal life as our happiness, placing our trust in Christ’s promises and relying not on our own strength but on the help of the grace of the Holy Spirit (CCC 1817).”
In many ways, this is the very definition of a stewardship way of life — focusing on eternity as we live our daily lives and relying on God to provide for our needs and satisfy our deepest longings for meaning and happiness right now.
In today’s Gospel from Luke, Jesus describes the true richness of life that is possible for those of us who are willing to live as his hope-filled disciples. We are all familiar with this passage in which Jesus reveals the Beatitudes: blessed are the poor; they have the kingdom of God. Blessed are those now hungry because they will be satisfied. Blessed are those who weep because they will laugh. Blessed are those who are hated, excluded, and insulted because they are disciples of Jesus; they will be greatly rewarded in heaven. Jesus is describing here the character of one who is living a life of hope – the life of a Christian steward whose trust is firmly rooted in God and who is focused on others and eternity. It is not always an easy life, but it is a deeply meaningful life and one that leads to eternal reward.
(Reflection by Catholic Stewardship Consultants)
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We warmly welcome you to our parish family. We invite you to worship and pray with us. We also welcome those in the Stratford-Rozellville area who are interested in the Catholic Faith. We have a group information series every year, but the pastor is happy to be of assistance for general acquaintance at anytime. Please feel free to contact the parish office at 715-687-2404 for registration or inquiries
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Diocese of LaCrosse, WI