Religious Education
Welcome! All children of St. Joseph’s and St. Andrew’s parish are invited to attend weekly faith formation classes. Our vision at St. Joseph and St. Andrew is to work in partnership with families to offer the best faith formation experience for your children. We believe that the first Church is the domestic Church found in each home. Parents, you are integral in the role you play in your children’s faith development, and you serve as the primary teaches and role models. It is through working together that we can lead our students to Christ.
Please follow us on Facebook as well @ https://www.facebook.com/st.joseph.st.andrew.re
Registration and Payment Information
Children in grades one through eight who do not attend Catholic schools are expected to attend weekly religion classes either at St. Joseph’s or St. Andrew’s. Classes are held on Wednesday evenings.
The schedule is on Wednesday is as follows:
St. Joseph Grades 1-6 meet at 3:30 pm. – 4:45 pm. Meet in St. Joseph Cafeteria
St. Joseph Grades 7-10 meet at 7:00 pm. – 8:15 pm. Meet in St. Joseph Cafeteria (unless instructed to go straight to their classrooms).
St. Andrew Grades 1-10 will meet at 6:00 pm. – 7:00pm. In St. Andrew’s Rectory 122762 County Rd. C
Fees, which include curriculum, textbooks, classroom supplies, and materials, are as follows: $45 for one child; $85 for two children; $120 for three children. The maximum family fee is $120. There is a $20 administrative late fee for forms received after November 1. If you are in need of financial assistance please contact Director of Religious Education to request a fee waiver. Payment is accepted by check/cash included with the registration form.
*Note: Anytime school is cancelled or called off early, CCD classes are also cancelled.
Sacramental Preparation
First Reconciliation and First Eucharist
Children receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in 2nd Grade. If you have a child in grades 3–9 who has not yet received First Reconciliation/First Communion, contact Brenda Skaya, Coordinator of Religious Education.
Confirmation is celebrated in the fall of the student’s junior year of high school. Preparation for Confirmation takes place throughout the 9th and 10th grades, at St. Andrew the 9th and 10th grades are combined and go through the curriculum together. All classes are held on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 pm at St. Andrew and 7:00 pm at St. Joseph.
Expectations for those seeking to be Confirmed
- Attendance at regularly scheduled formation sessions
- Attendance at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation
- Sponsor form filled and checked
- A report on the Saint whose name you have chosen to take up
- Attendance at an annual Confirmation retreat
- 12 hours of service per year in the confirmation program
- A mandatory student/parent meeting in the fall prior to the celebration of the Sacrament.
Staff Contact Information
Coordinator of Religious Education (CRE): Alex (Alexandra) Skaya
Email: stjosephcre1@gmail.com
Phone: 715-323-3422
Co-Coordinators of Religious Education:
Ben Bohman 715-652-3611
Amanda Tiry 715-551-4934
Jayme Willcome 715-650-2838
Ryan Fisher 715-897-4594
Youth Minister:
Amanda Tiry 715-551-4934
Important Forms.
- CCD Calendar 2024/2025
- Student Registration Form
- Program Policies
- Religious Education Handbook
- Emergency Information Form for Offsite Events
For Activities at home and further information: